Friday, September 07, 2007


the move

We did it! I got my father moved into Glen Meadows yesterday! And I lived to tell about it. Well, for the most part.

The movers were supposed to come between 8:30 and 9. Then when they confirmed it was 8-8:30.

So I leave here at 7:30 and stop for a coffee. I get a call from the movers that they are there and what is the apt number? I said ... wait. I will be there in 10 minutes. Then my father calls all fussed up that they are there and for me to get there now. Great start to what was already going to be a stressful day.

When I left the day before after a few hours of final packing, my father still had lots to do. When he called me later in the night he said he was just too tired and hadn't gotten much done. I said don't do anymore. I didn't realize he hadn't done anything!

So we are packing and the place is a mess as the two dudes ... one Russian and one Ukrainian ... start taking all the stuff out. Nice guys. I freaked them out when I said dosvedanya (sp). I told them I had a friend who was a spy. (you know who you are sister).

They were amazingly patient with my father and that stupid bed they have. Actually twin beds that are motorized to raise the feet or the head which they never use. My father was so tired because he hadn't slept the night before or much at all lately. He kept bothering them when they were doing their job trying to take it apart.

I finally told him ... if you keep this up, I am walking. You need to calm down.

It only took two hours to load the truck but I was up and down the stairs taking stuff to my car that I should take like plants, etc. My father was spinning in place so I had to keep redirecting him. Yep, it was tiring.

I got them to put the computer in my car. My father is adamant that my mother needs it because all she does is solitaire. (this is ALL it is used for.) Well there is NO room. I bought a small little solitaire game but she doesn't want it. I am going to look for a cheap, used laptop. (look for next blog about my contemplating letting Missy borrow my parents computer from me (read have) so the kids can at least have a computer for homework. It won't do the gaming they like but so what. She has no money, says she, but the last few years of them always coming here to do their homework ... is old. She will have to agree to finally buy ink. For the last five years she has pled poverty and the kids either need to come here to print out things or take them to school on a flashdrive.)

Anyhoo. We got out there and started unloading. It went pretty well but I did have them do a lot of putting stuff in the right place, moving furniture, etc. I think I will use this ... just had surgery excuse for quite a while!

Glen Meadows had lunch sent down. Nasty ham sandwiches on white bread and they sent enough for the movers which was nice. I sent them on their way with lunches and a $20 tip each. Was that enough? We paid $80 an hour plus mileage but I know they didn't get much of that.

As my father and I had our lunch with a beer (that I brought thank you very much), the main man who does everthing around there stopped by. Really nice guy. Parkville guy. Graduated 10 years before me. He even stopped by again today. He explained the security system. They have two necklaces and one in the bathroom and one in the bedroom. Think .... I have fallen and I can't get up but it is a system just for Glen Meadows. Cool huh?

So as I was working in the kitchen and my father says ... did you see the lazy susan ... and I said kidding ... I thought you were calling me lazy susan. He said ... not today. Nice. ugh.

We did fight about some furniture placement and what he wanted to do and what I was going to do. But it could have been worse. I did tell him twice that he needed to talk nice to me even if we disagreed. He does stop and I am glad I am able to keep my cool and just set limits as to how I will be treated. I tell you if I truly was having hormonal issues due to my instant menopause, this would have triggered it. I haven't even had a lot of hot flashes. Yeah, I was a sweaty mess but it was normal, baltimore, humid, misery. I could feel some pulling on the internal stitches but not anything too bad.

So the worst was how negative he was. He complained about everything. The only thing he likes is the kitchen. He kept saying how homesick he was. He didn't like the bathroom. He doesn't like this or that. Ugh. They should have just gotten rid of everything and moved into assisted living. Yeah right. That would make him happy. It is so pathetic.

I told him how I think they have one of the best units placement-wise. And how you could see the horses up on the hill from the window. He said ... well you can't from the patio. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

And he kept complaining how the move was so fast he didn't know what was left, what was going on. I told him, no, you weren't ready. Oh, he hadn't done his dresser or his medicine cabinet or most of his clothes when the movers got there. But he refused to let any of us help him with that when we packed up the apt. on Sunday.

I called Michael and told him he really should be there. To see his future if he doesn't start living more simply. It so confirms how I am just constantly getting rid of crap. And the thing is when my stuff is disorganized, I don't realize I have something and go out and buy another. How wasteful is that?

My father just dumped everything into boxes and suitcases. He wouldn't get rid of anything. At least I was able to purge the kitchen crap and my mothers crap. So when the time comes it will only be his stuff to I have to ... throw away.

I swear he has at least three times the clothes my mother has. My cousin tried to get him to give up something but the only thing was a polyester white and blue suit. He asked her if she thought Eli would want it. hahahahahahaha.

Oh the other thing is how he doesn't like having to get dressed for dinner every night. Look, while you need a half mil in assets to get in here, most of the people are like my parents. WW 2 generation. Worked hard. Have social security and pensions (what is that?) But not fancy like so me of these communities. Well, he will have the clothes! They all seem to wear polyester.

As I was putting away dishes I had to wash most of them. Ugh. So disgusting. The coffee cups were so nasty. I finally had to call my father over and say ... I would like to introduce you to my friend ... Mr. Brillo pad. He had no idea. Then he loved it so much he went around brillo padding everything like the telephone. oy. As much has he had learned to do, it is amazing how little men of that generation know about the homearts.

He also told me he never changed the sheets the whole time mom has been gone which is months ... including him telling me he peed in the bed. ickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

So I threw away all the sheets because they will have linen and towel service (and housekeeping! My father was telling me to get up drops of water on the kitchen floor. I said ... you don't ever have to wash that floor again! ... oh silly me looking on the bright side of things.)

Of course they were supposed to deliver linens and didn't and I called and they didn't have any more king but we made do until we can get some since my mother won't be there until Monday.

They also didn't bring dinner. They bring dinner to you the first night because you are tired. So am hanging around waiting for dinner (figure it will be early ... it starts at 4:30 and about 4:15 I started seeing the walker parade heading up there). I am a bit nervous because I have been gone all day and wondering what the hell the dogs have done but I also want to eat dinner with my father. So I called and they didn't know anything about it but they told us the menu items and we ordered it and they brought it pretty quickly. I got liver and onions because I haven't had that in years and my father got beef stroganoff and both were ... delicious! And the soup was baked potato soup and that was really, really good too.

They can get breakfast and lunch and pay for it but dinner comes with it and for all my father's bitching it will be good for them to get out at least once a day and socialize and hell. The food was good!

So this morning I went to target and got a few more things like a lampshade to replace the dryrot one. Amazing how everything looks dingy in a new and newly painted space. And pillows!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG. I don't think they have had new pillows in 30 years or more. My father agreed they were disgusting.

I actually love this stuff ... making a home. I haven't been this happy since I did our late lamented beach house. It inspires to clean my pigsty that I have let go for a myriad of reasons.

Oh did I mention that the table and two chairs I got them at Salvation Army matches exactly two chairs they already have! I am good.

One thing is the people here are very friendly. You can't just say hello, gotta have a little conversation. But I just have to say IF ONE MORE PERSON SAYS TO ME ... OH YOU ARE MOVING IN .. .WHEN I AM TAKING STUFF OUT, ETC. I AM GONNA SCREAM. I KNOW. I LOOK LIKE CRAP. MY HAIR IS A MESS AND I HAVE ROOTS. BUT DO I LOOK 65???????????????????

So it is done. Well, we gotta move my mother in Monday and then she has an appt with the surgeon on Tues. And then I can step back a bit and let them figure things out.

And ... just one more thing ... you know all the money they have given me over the years? Well I just fucking earned it in the last 5 almost 6 months. And I am damn proud of myself. So there.

And so it goes.

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