Friday, August 17, 2007



I really thought I updated my blog after my doc appt on Wed. It went well. I was nervous because I still had issues about whether she should have caught this cancer earlier.

So in my direct, mature way, I said ... a number of friends have asked me why you didn't do a biospy earlier. I know. Give me break. Anyhoo. She said that the progesterone had been doing the job and that the cells could have changed recently. Writing it, it still sounds lame but it sounded good at time.

I also asked that if I had gone on the birth control pills she had prescribed in Feb, would that have masked the symptoms and she said, yes, because we would have just thought I didn't have the right dosage and screwed around with that a while.

Oh well. I don't know what the answer is but docs really need to not just write everythign off to perimenopausal stuff.

So because I am an ass, I didn't even know she took my cervix. I said, well I guess I don't need pap smears and she said yes, actually but it will be of the vagina. Also that this kind of cancer if it recurs, it happens quickly in a year or two and if it doesn't then you are good to go. Unlike breast cancer that can recur after 10 years.

It seems I might not need HRT. While she and others keep saying how normally I would still be producing estrogen into my early 50's, it is clear at least to me that I was on the downhill slide to menopause. So the cessation of estrogen producing ovaries might not be as hard on me as it could be. I still have slight hot flashes but not like I did in the hospital.

So it is all good I guess. I felt better about the doc and the situation.

And so it goes ...

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