Thursday, July 12, 2007


surgery and swimming

Don't know who actually reads this. My dear friend Mary said she does but I don't know who else.

Welp. I put it out there to the cosmos.

Took the kids swimming at the pool at my parents apartment complex today. A last hurrah. This was supposed to be our vacation but alas no funds to go anywhere. So I had planned to do daytrips but with my mom's issues I felt like I needed to stay close to home. They each went to a pool party, we saw Ratatouille yesterday (ugh, I don't know what the hype is, I thought it was boring) and then today we went swimming.

I wasn't going to swim but Henry put up a stink and said if I didn't, he wasn't going. So I quickly dry shaved and threw on a suit. I figured hell, I am fat and disgusting but life is short. It was fun.

Then my father called to say my mother had been on hold for surgery all day which meant no food and then finally at 5:30 they took her in and she refused the surgery! The surgeon called my father from the operating room and got them both on the phone and she agreed. Ugh. I ran over quickly this morning to see her and she started crying about how she just hates this and she doesn't know how much time she has left with her Henry. I couldn't help myself and I said .... hmph ... what about me? I did it in a way to get her to laugh.

It is so sad but we have been dealing with this for almost 4 months and it is getting old.

The surgeon told my father it will be a long recovery. I am hearing under that ... maybe never fully recovering to go home.

I think she has 90 days that her insurance will pay for a nursing home. As long as she qualifies for skilled nursing.

If that is the case, I will be able to help them figure things out one my surgery is over with. It is hard on my father going to a hospital/nursing home everyday. Maybe they will acquiesce and move in here with me. I don't know.

And so it goes ...

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