Sunday, November 12, 2006


and i said i want to be needed?

Just tonight my father calls and says his phone is not working. He calls on the cell phone I got him. I am so glad I got that for him but he never uses it. I asked if they paid their bill, kidding and he said they have that automatically debited.

I ask him if he has uplugged everything and replugged it. He says it must be the kitchen phone because that directly affects their other phone. WTF? Well I can't explain to him that a phone is either plugged into the wall or it is not. He calls a couple of more times, asking to try calling his home which I did of course when he got off the phone. It was busy. Then he calls back AGAIN and says he cleaned all places the phone attaches and now it works.

Good. Glad I was here.

Eli came in at 12:30 today after church. (gotta give Missy props for actually getting them both to church today.) He needed to do a project for school. Five years later Missy does not have ink for her printer because she can't afford but actually now it is that she doesn't have a landline nor internet access so Eli needed to do a project for school using the internet. I had mentioned he could come over today but thought a confirming phone call would have been nice. Anyhoo he was here all afternoon. I happened to have powerpoint software which he loaded on the kids computer and he did a great job. Of course when he tried to burn the CD, he was having problems and when I tried to help he had a meltdown but was pissed at me when I said let me try. And of course I got it to work. And told him he needed to thank me and apologize.

Then I get a call from him later after Missy picked him up (something is up with her because honestly I really thought I would have to bring him home because as she has stated ... she is not their chaperone.) Um excuse me but I think that comes second under the parent job description after cook.

Oh, so yeah, he called. He wanted to know if I could look up his english homework because he didn't think he had it right. Sure. Here it is.

I do, I do, I do. Want to be needed. But you know just one day off ... is that too much to ask for?

And so it goes ...

be careful what you wish for ...
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